Sunday, November 28, 2004


I should mention my trip to the market the other day, simply because it was the first time there was really crazy food. IN one stretch of 5 stalls (people sitting on the ground) there was one hacked up snake (it had been a biggie) and bunch of frogs tied together in a basket, and best of all 2 dead squirrels. My guess is they were living int he woman's roof, and she happened to kill them and figured she may as well try and make some money saelling them as throw them in the river.

markets are great (thast's where the cheap food in plastic bagfs is). ANd usually its just meat and veggies, the oddities are rare. But while I'm thinking about it, plastic bags. Every time you buy anything you get given one. Bottle of water, anything. Sometimes if you buy a pop the pop gets poured into abag and you get a straw with it. I think they do that so they can recycle the bottle. It's kinda weird how many bags are issued in a day.

Speaking of that...garbage. Every once in a while you stumble upon a pile of the stuff on the river bankj or somewhere. It's just dumped. I guess we can't exactly tell them not to make the mistakes we have already made, but it's messy. I guess the filth justy doesn't amtter, adn probably at least once a year with a good rain it just gets swept into the river and away.

Okay, I think that's enough for today. My mind is beginning to wander, and this is costing the big bucks. I will bid you all adieu.

But three more thoughts. The Beauty Saloon here in town...gotta love mistranslations and that's a good one.

Finally. Although they're monks, they still use technology. I walked by some watching TV today and I so wanted a puicture from trhe back to get them abnd the TV...oh well. it's just kinda hard to explain to them what you want to do. You see some with cell phones, or on the net, and my other great picture idea is to get one of a monk witha camera taking a picture of me. CLASSIC!

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