Thursday, March 03, 2005

Travelling and Singapore

I'm still having lots of fun, but I've gotten off the hyper extreme super duper crazy budget thing. It's not that I'm spending more money, it's just that when I have to take a cab because it's after dark, and I'm 10km from where I want to be I don't get as worried about it.

Also I'm still happy to be on the road, but my moments of reflecting upon home seem to be a little more warm each time I have them. One month to go...

Hrrrrm, what else to say. My skills at travelling although surely superior than most from the start have improved. Destressing is the key.

While I still get into a bit of a tizzy when I spend too much money, it's nowhere where it used to be. I bought an EZ link card for Singapore public transit, but I'd have to do about 50 trips to make back the $5 cost of the thing. Oh well, I am now able to say. At least I don't have to fiddle with coins IF I take a bus (subways are easy because you're in the station and at a machine when paying). It's a good lesson though. The Lonely Planet said it was a good deal so I bought it, although the price structure quoted had changed and the lady selling tried to warn me off. Don't get stuck in a book or it will be your downfall.

Singapore is rough, one slip up and it's a significant amount of money gone. The city is CLEAN and EFFICIENT and whatever any one has ever said about it. I haven't explored to much but I look forward too it, and hopefully won't be spending too much in the process.

I think I've scored the perfect digs, S$10 dorm bed (1 singapore dollar is about 1.3 CDN I think) and they have breakfast included. Unlike other places with an included breakfast (tea, bread and jam) they have bread and butter and jam and peanut butter and eggs and hot dogs and fruit and veggies....writing it like that sounds like a lot. It isn't but it's more than I'm used to and one fewer meal to pay for in the day (2 if I eat A LOT). Unfortunately it's those simple carbs that will get me, love their white breadd and biscuits over here.

Another thing I've noticed, which I haven't seen since Bangkok is people looking pretty. Like girls that have taken some time in the morning, and guys who have their clean caps and whatever style of necklace. Just people you'd see at home but they're here. For a while the people I have been seeing have a definite traveller's edge to them.

With that observation, and a few choice words from Agung, I've realized lately I need to watch my smell a bit more. I'm used to being with me in a room and I bathe everday so I'm fine. Well not if you're around sweet smellers and pretty people. Jeepers. They even give you a nasty look when you fart.

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