Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Chiang Mai to Laos

When I'm in these internet places I feel like I'm under pressure to wirte quickly. Weird because it isn't very expensive but that's the way I feel. I'm going to use that as my excuse when a post doen't make sense, or perhaps verges on the offensive. I'll try and keep it clean, and relatively focused, but you're coming here of your own accord so what do I care.

I like the fact that I have to be so careful when writing to family and friends just because I don't want to look like the easily frustrated and angry westerner that I am.

Today we leave Chiang Mai, a place that if I had more time and money to burn I would happily stay for a long time. Cooler air, more relaxed than Bangkok and lots of fun things like Thai cooking and language classes. Unfortunaately our destiny calls us to Laos...come to think of it hardly unfortunate at all.

I don't know what the situation will be there as far as internet and all so you will just have to wait and see where the next post comes from.

AS I said before I feel too pressured in places like this. Next time I enter one I'll have a well thought out and eloquent speech on things foreign. It will somehow explain how all cultures and religions can live together and happily coexist on this small blue ball we call earth. I think the answer might have something to do with large vats of gravy, professional wrestling and free butterchotch ripple ice cream for all!!! Oh and interbreeding, that'll be important too.

UNtil we meet again, this is James making no sense and avoiding prison, signing off.

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