Monday, April 11, 2005

my one complaint

I'm going to try avoiding any grand assesments of Jaoan or the Japanese, as there are lots of those stereotypes of the culture and people floating around, and I don't need to reiterate. I will say though that if you ever some here be aware of the theiry that Japanese people are aware of teh stereotypes that the rest of the world holds and on soe level encourages a lot of them to seem more different. Just something I've read, and been looking for, but interesting to think about. one complaint. When I was walking to the wrestling show the roads immediately surrounding teh Imperial palace were all closed (4-6 lanes so lots of empty tarmac.) Very good idea I thought, nice pedestrian Sunday. The only problem was if anyone went to walk across the road at a place that wasn't a normal pedestrian crossing or began to cross without the walking green man showing they were bellowed at by men with orange "staff" vests and megaphones. I'm sure it sounded worse than it was because of an apparent J perpensity to have to say a lot to express a little, but still.

Why close down the roads if people still have to cluster around lights and wait patiently, while staring at an empty road. Was it the cyclists tjat seemed to be spaced about 100m apart (not many in other words)? I don't know. But that kind of senseless "You must follow the rules" business can bug me, and I was tempted to walk across the road just for the heck of it. When he started yelling I wouldn't understand, but I could fake that so to realy make my point I should have run around in a circle with my arms out making airplane noises. Darn it!!!! Why didn't I do that.

Oh well we can't live our lives in the past can we?

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