Sunday, April 03, 2005

Stuff in Bangkok

When I got here it wasn't as hot as I'd excpected. ONce again I had apparently brought a cool front with me. Just as I was thinking how awesome I was yesterday heated up a lot, turns out I'm only so good..

The other day I stopped to look at a map. Then I looked down, and there was the cutest dog ever. There are a lot of cool dogs here, mostly because they're strays and therefore are all mongrels. I alsways think that kind of dog is awesomest. But anyway. I looked at the dog (who was shading under a tree) and he looked at me. I said hello then as I went to leave the dog decided I looked like a fine fellow. Would have loved to have taken him home, except for the worms and fleas I'd likely give him, and Hannibal would be certainly jealous, but it is not meant to be.
So I had to pick up the pace and get a lead. He wasn't goping to speed up too much in the heat so I made it around a corner. When I looked back he was looking around a little put out but soon enough found an even shadier spot. SO everything worked out!

I also was in the neighbourhood (Patpong) so decided to look for all the nasty strip clubs and bars and seeedier stuff of Bangkok that is supposed to be a quite a sight. I guess I was in teh wrong neighbourhood, however, because I found nothing. Well that's a lie, I did see a bar called Boy Zone (or something like that) but that's hardly a thriving brothel district.

Some girls are hippies. Other girls have the hippy look. Like seeing a "Hippy" with a brand new Lonely Planet seems odd, passing girls that at first glance appear hippyish, only to have your sense blotted out by too much high quality perfume also seems odd. Heh, everyone has a look I suppose. As long as they stand by the whole free love thing I don't think anyone will complain.

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