Monday, April 11, 2005

goodbye and hello

I leave Japan specifically and Asia genrally tomorrow (April 12) at 620PM. I land in Vancouver tomorrow (April 12) at 11AM or thereabouts.

FUN! Bonus day for me. I'd better make the most of it. One of my April 12s will be spent sitting around at an airport unfortunately because Giuliana has to work and I'd rather sit at an airport than carry my bag around all day. Hopefully the other one will be spent on something constructive like struggling desperately to stay awake.

No last big proclamations for my literally hundreds of readers. Just if you're thinking about it, do it. SE Asia is pretty darned cheap and a lot of fun. The worst thing that can happen is you hate everything and just want to go home. But really that's pretty good because then you can tell yourself without a doubt that SE Asia (or at least certain parts because everywhere is very very different) is just not for you, and you can gain a better appreciation of whatever part of this rock you came from. If you don't like that place either?

Eat a lot of condensed milk and buy my book!!!! (whenever it gets written/published)

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