Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Krak de Chevaliers

Mercy I've been at this internet console a while...whatever, this story must be told.

Yesterday I saw it. The castle of castles. TE Lawerence said something along the lines of every schoolboys dreams of castles are based around this one, and I would tend to agree.

Like most castles K d C (or Qa'laat al Hosn) sits atop a hill looking amazing. I can't be bothered to write in all the details but it has crazy tunnels and ramps and rooms and a giant oven and interior well and walls and a moat and towers and ramparts and more of all the above and more awesome still.

Look at some pictures I guess. Such a wicked place. And all the better because we sorted our way there using public transit. Word to anyone who ever wants to travel here using publuic transit. Get it done as early as possible. Buses don't dry up but there are certainly far more of them first thing in the morning than when we were returning around 330.

Krak de Chevaliers...yes.

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