Saturday, July 05, 2008

Qa'laat Salah al-Din

I'm sure I've spelled Saladin's name about 23 different ways, but whatever, you get the idea.

Today we visited his castle!

It is a pretty sweet place. Set above a pine forest that smells just like Muskoka it is just lovely. It is in two levels with the upper level being an entire castle and teh lower lever just having a wall around it. I suppose in the past there might have been buildings there, but it might also have been a really nice orchard or something.

Also the road runs past the castle on the north side, and although the current entrance is up some stairs on the east side, I think the entrance used to be over the modern road. I say this because the road is in a 30 foot wide chasm and at one end there is a pillar of rock that apparently used to support some sort of draw bridge. I'm sure I'm doing a terrible job describing this, but believe me when I say it's pretty cool.

The castle has a very different feel than a lot of the other crusader castles we've visited. I'm not sure if this is because it was built by Saladin or what the deal is, but it was a nice place.

Once agian, unfrotunately, I had trouble with the ISIC card. Maybe a reminder was just sent out, but I'm having to pay 150 pounds now when it's 10 as a student. Alas. It was funny today. I try to be aghast that they're not accepting my student card although I fully understand that the government has made a decisions and I don't have much to argue about.
"But I'm a sutdent, I pay tutitions and everything"
"You're in Syria now and here it's 26."

WHo knows how well he understood embittered sarcasm. Good times.

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