Monday, December 01, 2008

grèves and syndicats

As yo may or may notknow the g word above is strike in french and the s is union.

Both of these things are very popular here.

As an example. I have been asked to choosed which union should represent irregular and part time teachers, this includes assistants as well as many other, more french and I assume more permanent positions. First of all why are they asking a fellow here for 6 months and no great attachment to the system? Who knows, but aside from that how they want me to vote...

Straight-forward, if unnecessarily complicated mail in system for the vote. But along with various envelopes and instructions they give you all the choices, like 12 of them. Each one gets a ballot which is essentially a point form information sheet, and then there is also a a wadge of actual ionformation sheets. AND THEN two of the unions have sent me separate info packages as well. And because there was no way I was going to translate all this stuff I asked one of the teachers what was up.

"That's my union, socialist, socialist, right wing, centre, communist, don't know, never heard of it..." OAnd on it went. Ridiculous.

Another example, at one point a few weeks ago, the Air France pilots were on strike over changes to retirement age, the teachers struck for one day because of proposed changes to the education system (apparently the 26 hours a work man they work has been put at risk with the threat of firing teachers), and there was a chance teh SNCF (railroads) were going out. I think that last one was just on the freight side but feel everyone would have scampered.


I'm not sure exactly what's going on now, but my vote is attached to all sorts of larger doings. Teachers are voting, but given the number of posters that have been put up all over town I feel like other groups may be involved as well.


ANd then as a super kicker, today as I was killing time in Brive-la-Gaillard, waiting for my Rodez connection, I noticed a building which appears to have been used at one point or another for the regions bakery union, because you know how all those locally operated, one person bakeries can tend towards slavery. Or something...I can't figure it all out.

I'm being punted from my internet connection, but I will try to get more up soon-ish, or failing that, communicate my new form of communication.

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