Sunday, December 05, 2004

Vang Vieng

We're here now. I'm keeping this short because I've been on for too long.

Dropped on the highway, walk across an old airstrip, and this functions in some metaphorical way (yet to be fleshed out) as a seperation from teh rest of the country. VV, at least the part the falangs stay in, is different than what I have seen.

Guirls are lsutting it up (tank tops) compared to everywhere else, and restaurants all feature recling tables. There are also TVs in these restaurants playing satellite, movies and for some odd reason 30% are playing Friends episodes on a constant loop. After not watching TV for so long, trying to write in my journal with it on teh backgorund is crazy hard. Can't maintain anything resembling concentration. I guess that's a lesson to me about TV when I return to the real world. Mum, you've been saying it all along and I guess you were right.

Nice town. Went tubing yesterday, (sit in an inner tube and drift down a river, buying beer alonfg the way) and enjoying another relaxing day today. The happy foodstuffs that were supposed to be around were not apparent yesterday. Of course now that we're leaving tomorrow...I see the restaurants EVERYWHERE. I guess I should have just looked for the signs out front with smiling faces and mushrooms drawn in marker. Oh well.

We're probably going to kayak out of here tomorrow, then bus a little and be in Vuientiane tomorrow night. Then it's Cambodian visas and heading south towards there. We're aiming to be in Sihanoukville in souther Cambodia for Christmas.

Also I'm now looking at Malaysia, INdonesia and knwo for something to do because I don't think I'll be ready to come home in January (too cold).

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