Tuesday, June 10, 2008

blarrghy blarggherson

Work. Woot.

I think I'm a decent leader. Or at least this is what I have decided. The Bedouin seem to like me and generally don't mind working when I ask. I think my tendency to enjoy a good sit down as much (or more) than the next guy must have a beneficial effect on our relationship. There are some tensions with the other white folks and not as many with me, and I therefore assume this makes me awesome.

We're still digging lots of trenches looking for the road or something approximating it and it turns out I'm quite an apt hand with a fas kabir (big pick). The Bedouin are always telling me to shway shway (basically chill out) I think because they know me smashiong through 6 cubic meters of soil means more shovelling for them.

Aside from that what else is there to say. Last 'weekend' was for napping, but I feel I may have written my previous entry on the weekend.

Paperwork begins shortly. Given the simplicity of most of my squares (rectangle in the sand....) these shouldn't take too long. I do have quite a few that need to be dealt with, however, so I should probably get on it sooner than later. Maybe tonight. Maybe.

Oh I did ride a camel today. His name is Boyman and both he and his owner Salim are fine individuals. Top notch. Fairly easy to ride, if a little focused on the ol' crotcheroo when the camel is doing its lean forward leg bending awkwardness so you can get off. A wonderful lope to their stride that ends up making your head bob as you cruise along.

Sorry if this is a bit disjointed, but I'm listening to a touch of DragonForce as I type. Nothing like some folk metal about swords and evil armies and shit to get you in a topper mood.

Aside from that it's been a lot of wandering Aqaba, taking pictures of Chinese massage parlors, chatting with people and doing far too many exertive (there's a new word) things in the heat. Maybe I should follow the lead of the locals? Maybe, but they're here forever and I'm almost done.

1 comment:

daydream mysterio said...

hey james, i'm really enjoying these... good work out there in the world! whenever you settle somewhere with a phone, send along the number.

keep doing neat things.
