Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Qalaat ar-Rabad and tea (of course)

So as planned on the last full day in Jordan we headed out to Ajloun to check out Qasr ar-Rabad. For those that were in Jordan previously and are now reading this (you know who you are) the bus system is THAT much easier on the weekdays. Holy crap were those little bastards moving out of the station in a hurry.

3 seconds out of the cab and we were on our way.

The castle was schwank, built with a smaller footprint than Karak it was more layers and ramps and stairs on top of itself. Very cool. As far as who wins in a fight a Crusader castle or a Islamic castle. Depends on the mountain I guess. They all seem pretty cool to me.

We were walking back to town to catch our bus back to Amman and as per usual were invited for coffee. We were politely declining until the guy said "we're not all Osama bin-Ladens" or something to that effect. Heh.

Jurious was the man's name and apparently he and the family were on the porch with ready made coffee because a nephew had been electrocuted at the Dead Sea a few days before and they were still accepting condolences. Ah-hah. Thanks for the invite! But as per usual they were great people.

Jurious, whose name means George (like the saint...although at first I thought he was sayiong jurious like curious like curious george) was very interested in explaioning that most Muslims in Jordan are top notch, it's just the fundamentalists that are bad news. They have too many kids and are therefore able to take charge in elections and control a great number of seats in parliament. Interesting. He told us all sorts of stuff, like how lots of Jordanians now in US and Canada tend to come back to get their dental work done and even with the flight they're still only at 20%. What a deal!

After tea we bid farewell and got on a bus for Amman. A bus featuring an artist who told me I had a beautiful face, and then told Zoe she had one and then drew her portrait as we weaved and wobbled and ground gears through the mountains of northern Jordan.

Nice picture...looks very minimally like Zoe, but a nice picture to be sure.

And that...I think that's all I have to say about Jordan. (for now)

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