Monday, January 03, 2005

Fresh Prince of Bel Air

My favourite episode has to be the one where Will gets himself in trouble down at the pool hall. He's playing and having fun, but then falls into trouble when he gets suckered into a money game against someone who was MUCH better than him.

Eventually UNcle Phil comes down to straighten things out, and after losing money to the same guy they bump up the odds to like $1000 a ball or something crazy. Suddenly Uncle Phil changes from a bumbling judge in over his head into a pool demon. He turns to Jeffrey and says "Jeffrey, break out Big Bertha" and Jeffrey pulls this sweet assed pool cue from his pants and screws it together.

Turns out that UNcle Phil is awesome, and he beats the pool shrak BIG TIME. Then at the end he tells Will he didn't want to ruin his fun by saying he shouldn't go to those places, just that he knows what goes on there. A good message I feel.

I also like the one where it turns out Jeffrey (whose last name is Butler, and he is a butler) thought he was bringing shame onto the Banks family when Philip was running for some post. Jeffrey used to run marathons for Britain and at some big one he hopped in a cab. "Disgrace of a nation".

Now I keep thinking of other episodes...or just every time Jazz got thrown out of the house...or whenever Carlton danced. Too sweet all around.

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