Wednesday, January 12, 2005

my bag cover

In order to make their bags a bit more secure a lot of people have an additional cover they put over it. Included in my bag was a rain cover, a nice white one. Of course the first time I put it on in Laos the bag got put IN the bus and got smeared in grease (who cares, just spots) and toen (only a little but a piss off). The cover fits into a little pocket on the bag and this means it must be quite easier to rip.

Anyway, I'm not going to put it on top protect my bag so guess what. I made my own cover. With pure James genius I found an old corn bag and cut it with my swiss army knife. I then taped edges and reinforced certain spots then strung it with some rope I happened to bring.

I now have a ridiculously awesome bag cover that camouflages my bag as a bag of corn, something very few people (maybe some donkeys) would want to steal.

I wore it for the first time this morning, and it was sharp. people stared and pointed...they weer all so jealous.

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