Thursday, March 03, 2005

Safe and sound

Well, I know, I've been safe and sound the whole trip but now I feel pretty good as the last month looks to be pretty smooth sailing. Places like Singapore (here now) and Hong Kong, and also Malaysia and Thailand. I've done them before so I'm rocking though.

So as I said I was pretty nervous about the whole Indonesia thing. Why? Well a quick look here might explain.

The third paragraph of section 2 explains my nerves. It basically says Canadians shouldn't go to Indonesia at all. HA! I said. I emailed the embassy and although the guy couldn't o against the official vibe I got a definite feeling that it was okay, so I went. At least now I can say I've been somewhere on teh forbidden list!!!!!!
Didn't want to mention it until I was out, seeing as people might get worried.

These warnings must be part of (al;ong with the new pay visa requirements) that have knocked a lot of foreigners out of Indonesian tourism. Makes you think though, there are places in London that are really dangerous and sometimes there are bomb threats made against particular places, but no one says DON"T go to Britain!!!! Avoid the nasty bits and it's pretty safe.

And I had a tremendous time! As I will detail.

But to finsih up this entry, the Indonesian news as I was leaving was full of protests over the governments fuel price increases (and possible transportation cost and gereal inflation increases), Malaysians expelling illegal wqorkers (mostly Indo) and the Malay and INdo navy sending ships to some disputed oil rich area. I made it to the bus station for the right cost and flew between the two countries without incident. Maybe I left just in time?

HA! I'm going back tomorrow.

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