Tuesday, March 29, 2005

sandal tans, spiders and tiny bananas

I found the tiniest banana ever in a bunch I bought the other day. Perfectly formed but only a few inches long. Unfortunately before I thought to take a picture I'd already eaten it. Tasted like a full sized one.

I was looking at this cool spider web last night and trying to get a moth to fly into it when another one did. POW! That spider was on him like nobody's business. It's one thing to see it on the TV but watching him/her lay into the moth upclose and personal was something else.

I hjave been wearing my sandals pretty much non stop for teh past 5 months (except for a few treks or when I was up a mountain and it was cold). The result is a sandal tan that is so firmly in place....well it's pretty ridiculous. I don't know why any of this interests you, and if it doesn't skip this, but I was sitting an writing the other day then later I noted the white part of my foot had turned red. Eventually I clued in my one foot was in the sun under the table and had only burned the part that hadn't been exposed to much sun in months. It's like I'm part chamaeleon, part zebra and ALL JAMES! Yah! I'm a nerd.

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