Thursday, February 24, 2005

Back to Yogya

This writing is really tiring me out. Came back to Yogya and despite my best efforts to travel like a local, I tried to save time and wasn't pleased with the way everything worked out. Then I sillily lost my head when someone had moved my bag andd forgot to tell me.

Anyway, I was very pleased with how quickly I calmed myself and turned a negative into a positive. I was going to go to Dieng Plateau (more valcano stuff) but decided to hang in Yogya for a few days and see if I can get in touch with Endro and maybe go to his house for a night. I'll tell you if that works out.

Sorry for the limited detail but heh, too bad. I tooka cab from the bus station to my hotel, it's amazing how easy travel can be when you aren't working up in your mind how important saving money is all the time.

What's particularly frutrating about here is there are no posted fares anywhere. You are at the whims of the guys on the bus, and only if you're REALLY sure about the actual fare or have someone helping you can you really go at it full bore. Oh well.

Also, one of my greatest travel insights ever! (take it for what it is). When I lost my head about my bag and yelled "where's my bag?" some of the vendors around laughed and mimicked me, in the stress and all I turned and actually flipped them the bird (very regretful). Immediately after as I stewed on the bus my mind thought things along the lines of , "Ya so what, you're poor and I'm fromt he west and you want to be me". Then I stopped, realized what a ridiculous thought that is, superiorioty over the saveage and all that. It would be like walking up to a lion in the jungle, ya you have teeeth and claws and all but over time humanity will cut down the jungle and only let lions live in zoos, and then he would eat me. No matter how great the west might be I'm on their turf.

Insightful? You bet.

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