Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Georgetown departure

As I was cruising across the straight towards the mainland and my night train to KL, a week ago now, I realized I had given Penang and Georgetown the short end of the stick. It was more of a place to kill time in before leaving for Indonesia than a place I was actually visiting. Never the best way to see a place if you want to get the most out of it.

Also, once I was up and moving again my feelings about travel took a spin once again. I can't remember what I said last in here, but in Cameron H I was happy to sit, then I was pleased and excited to be moving again once I was on the train to KL. Unfortunately I then had to sit in a train station and an airport FOREVER. Killing that much time just sitting with your bags is really dull. Oh well

So travel opinions, waffling. Sitting around, dull. More on that in a second.

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